3 Reasons your whole school initiative isn't taking off (and what you can do about it)

Here's the scenario: You've poured everything you've got into designing a new school initiative that you know (or at least are confident) will drive the improvement you wish to make. You've read the research, distilled it's knowledge into a useful form, produced resources, rewritten the relevant school policies, taken staff through a carefully prepared PowerPoint presentation - hey, you even brought biscuits to the staff meeting to ensure everyone was in a good mood before you began. Then, you waited.

Learning Together, Laughing Together

Is it actually possible to be around children, of any age, and not crack a smile at some of the absurd situations they find themselves in? There is a futility in pretending that the thing-that-just-happened in your classroom was in no way amusing whilst the other thirty people in that room all roll around across their desks laughing. Want to appear ridiculous and out of touch in the ideas of your pupils? Do this.

Unity Has Many Voices

Being united does not mean surrendering our own opinions, disregarding our prior experiences nor following a singular blueprint. We can "sing from the same hymn sheet" in our own, unique voice. And the song/school we create from this is richer for it.